Sharing More Basics

Issuing the db2 command invokes the Command Line Processor (CLP) tool. In the world of DB2, the instance is the environment in which databases run. The DB2INSTANCE environment variable let's you know the current active instance. There is a Database Administration Server (DAS) which lets you administer your database with GUI tools.

DB2 settings are stored in a repository called the DB2 Profile Registry. Note that this has nothing to do with the Microsoft Windows registry. Global variables in the profile registry apply to all DB2 instances. You can issue the "db2set -all" command to enumerate all the DB2 registry variables.

There is a file called the Database Manager Configuration file that stores instance level variables. Database level variables are stored in the Database Configuration file. There are a number of default table spaces created in a DB2 database:
  • SYSCATSPACE - holds the catalog (data dictionary)
  • TEMPSPAE1 - system temporary space
  • USERSPACE1 - default user table space

As mentioned in my first post sharing what I learned, the Enterprise Server Edition of DB2 support partitioning. This partitioning applies to the database level (as opposed to the instance).