Previously I had thought my next assignment was going to be a in DB2 shop. So I did a lot of reading, and recently started playing around with a DB2 installation on my machine. I thought I would share some of the basic information on DB2 I learned. It is broad in scope. But it is not too deep as I am still very much a beginner.
The current version of DB2 that I am running is 9.5. However DB2 version 8.2 was code named "Stinger". I installed DB2 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional. This is a version that shares a code base with their Linux and UNIX versions. This code base is known as DB2 UDB LUW (Linux UNIX Windows).
The targeted platform for the project I was going to join was the z/OS. The version of DB2 for that platform is a different code base than the DB2 UDB LUW. The version I installed was DB2 Personal Edition. However there is also an Enterprise Server Edition (ESE) that supports database partition feature (DPF).
Digging Deeper into DEPTREE_TEMPTAB
I had previously written about running a script to set up the
DEPTREE_TEMPTAB table in my schema. I knew it was used to track
dependencies. But I knew li...